Yes, we do buy second-hand records! However, due to a number of factors we might not always be in a position to purchase records, so it is probably best to give us a call and ask if we are buying at the moment.
At Rocky Road Records we like to be as transparent as possible, so when buying records, this is our typical process in determining our offer to you:
First we will determine what records are desirable to our store. These will typically be records that we can sell for $15 or more. Then depending on the condition/cleanliness that they are in, we will offer you 25%-50% (typically closer to the 50%) of the value that we would sell them for. If you are wanting to exchange for store credit, then that percentage may increase up to two-thirds of the value.
We are happy to take the lesser valued records, but they will not factor into our offer.
If you are not happy with our offer – please do not be offended – and in no way would we in turn be offended if you feel that you can sell them elsewhere for a better price.
Finally, we usually will not be able to offer any money for overly dirty records or classical records – although we are happy to take them in and hopefully find them a happy home.
Any questions, please give us a call.